It's almost back to school time!

I can hardly believe that it is almost back to school time. Yeah! My kids need to be back in school. We have one more week and then one more week of camp and then were are back in business.
Some of you might be scratching your heads...Isn't she a teacher? Yes I am and I miss school. I can't wait for school to start. Yes, my kids are driving me crazy, but I am lucky because I get to see them during the day because we are in the same school and I will even have Noah in my class this year. We are a very small school, so we see each other throughout the day.
I want to go back to 2 main reasons:
1. I miss the routine, I crave the routine, I want the routine. My kids aren't in camp right now and haven't been for 3 weeks. So every day is pretty much a free for all. They get up when they want to and harangue us as much as possible to stay up later. Noah's favourite question of the summer is "Is it past my bed time yet?" As long as he is going to bed, even a minute past bed time he is one happy little dude.
2. I love what I do. I mean, I really love it. When I was little all I ever wanted to be was a mommy and a teacher. I used to play house or school whenever I played. Don't get me wrong...I am more then ready for a break when there is a school holiday. Teaching is tough. I love it when people say "You have it easy, you get 2 months off in the summer" Yes, I have not had to go in to work for 2 months. But I have been planning for the coming school year, at least 2 days a week, every week of my vacation. Most teachers have earned that time off.
Sorry...Got carried away. As you can see, it is a touchy subject when I hear people complain that teachers have such cushy jobs.
But getting back, I just love what I do. I hope those of you who are reading this have the opportunity to do something that you really love, whether it's professionally or other.
For those moms who are reading and are reading for their kids to go back to school...It's just around the corner.
By the way, the picture above, is one of my favourites from last year's summer vacation. It was just about back to school time when we took it. I actually have this picture on my desk in both my classrooms.
Thanks for visiting my site.
I just took my daughter to William & Mary on Friday. Last year it was Sewanee in Tennessee and twelve hours away. They do grow up fast.
My mother was a teacher. She started in high school level and worked her way down to first grade. She loved to have the little ones. She had to retire a few years early because of my grandmother's Alzheimers and she still misses it.
Its great that you love your job so much!
I don't think teachers have it that easy, I mean on top of being a teacher, you are also "babysitting" all of those kids for the whole school year! Not an easy task at all! But I'm sure alot of times its the more rewarding that you can even expect!
Have a great day!
Wish I had that much enthusiam about my job! Consider yourself very lucky!
I agree that it must be pretty tough and it's great to hear about someone who seems to be made for it, like you!
Kudos to you for what must take every ounce of your patience at time!
Hope you have a wonderful school year ahead!
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