Adventures of Motherhood

I am a harried mother of three kids who move at light speed and a husband who lives in a world of words. If that isn't enough, I teach in an elementary school as I slowly watch my hair turn gray.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Great first day but I really should be working or snoozing!

It was a great first day of school. The kids (mine) all cooperated this morning and we got out the door without any hassles. It was a good thing because Carmi is away again (this time at a conference in Seattle), I still had to finish the last minute details in the classroom and I was on duty this morning.

Tuesdays are usually a heavy load, as I teach full time. But the combination of a lack of sleep (either first day jitters, Carmi being away or both), a full full day and the kids only being asleep for the last 20 minutes, my eyelids just want to drop. I still have to pack the lunches and jot down a few notes for tomorrow.

I'm so tired that I'm going to do the things that need to be done and then I will go to sleep. As Seattle is 3 hours behind us, I'll set an alarm for 12:30 am so I can call Carmi to say goodnight. Is that devotion or what?

I'm going to stop for now because I think I'm rambling on. Just needed to say hello and I'll see you when things calm down here, a little bit. (I'm dreaming of course, 3 children, a husband, a house and 2 classes...Things never seem to calm down, really!! :-)

Have a good night and don't let the bed bugs bite!


At 4:28 AM, Blogger Olyal said...

Glad to hear that your first day back at school went well! :o)


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