How Can it be?

How can it be...My little baby girl is turning 8 tomorrow. Where has the time gone? I feel like it went by in a blink, minutes ago that we brought our sweet little baby home. I remember it like it was yesterday. We drove home from the hospital, the sun shining. We were greeted by my parents and a then almost 3 year old Zach. My Mom had tied pink balloons and ribbons to the tree, mailbox and lamp post. Zach was smiling form ear to ear. Mommy and Dahlia were home!
I look at her now and I can't believe how much she's grown. She is a beautiful, smart, funny, athletic, creative young lady. She drives me crazy (probably because our temperament are so much alike!) But I wouldn't want her to change in anyway. She's kind, (almost) always will to lend a helping hand. She is a little mother to her younger brother and is often willing to give something up, so he will be happy.
I hope as she blows out her candles and makes her wishes, that all that she wishes for come true for her, today, tomorrow and always.
Happy Birthday, Monkey Girl! Mommy loves you!
Happy Birthday to Dahlia!! I hope she has a wonderful day!! And congratulations Morah Mommy and Carmi for doing such a great job raising 3 beautiful kids!!!
Happy Birthday to Dahlia, I hope she has a wondeful day!
Dahlia, I love your name! Please have a happy birthday and kiss your mommy and daddy for me.
I know this is Dahlia's post but a man who is smitten by you sent me to wish you a happy birthday too!
Hope you have/had a wonderful day!
And happy birthday to you, albeit presumably a belated one by now. Via Carmi's blog. Hope it was fun!
Happy Birthday to Dahlia, and you to also! Carmi spilled the beans. :-)
I hope Dahlia had a wonderful birthday!!! I hope the same thing for you!! Happy birthday to you both!!!
Visiting your blog at Carmi's suggestion....You are BUSY ! ! ! Gorgeous children!
Happy happy birthday!
I know how it feels to have them grow up so quickly, all right before your eyes. Amazing how that happens!
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