Adventures of Motherhood

I am a harried mother of three kids who move at light speed and a husband who lives in a world of words. If that isn't enough, I teach in an elementary school as I slowly watch my hair turn gray.

Monday, July 17, 2006

And then there were three...

Yes, fish killer that I am is here to report that 2 of our little fishies are in heaven via the porcelain god in the bathroom. I was on this vigil last night, watching and praying that at least some were going to be swimming in the morning.

There was one little fish that seemed to have settled on the bottom and from experience (unfortunately lots of experience) I knew it wasn't good. Another fish would come and lie next to it and then swim away. It would swim around the bowl and then go and guard this little fish. I swear it died of a broken heart.

I came downstairs to hear Noah ask Carmi "Can I flush now?" I was worried about the kids and they are excited to let me know that 2 died.

Of course the younger ones weren't too upset. After telling me that 2 died, they qualified by saying the 2 were Zachary's! How could they tell? They all look alike!

Let's hope the other 3 enjoy the comforts we're providing. A small plea to the 3 remaining fishies; stay in the middle of the bowl. Don't lie on the bottom and please don't do the backstroke at the top. I can't handle the stress!!


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