Good Health Returns!
Good Health returns to MorahMommy's household. Thank Goodness! 3 out of 5 of us are on antibiotics for bronchitis. Dahlia and I both have sinus infections on top of it. I think we hit rock bottom Friday and Saturday and things are starting to look up.
It is delightfully warm here today. I wore a t-shirt with no jacket, jeans and sandals when I did errands this afternoon. It was lovely. I have the windows open and hopefully all the nasty germs in my house will leave. They are officially evicted!!
It was amazing to see all the people out. Everywhere you looked there were kids, babies, adults, teens, dogs out walking, biking, strolling. You get the point. I love this time of year....when you discover your neighbours once again. It just feels good to be out and about.
I hope where ever you are and what ever you're doing a little bit of Springtime is coming your way.