Adventures of Motherhood

I am a harried mother of three kids who move at light speed and a husband who lives in a world of words. If that isn't enough, I teach in an elementary school as I slowly watch my hair turn gray.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Shana Tovah!

The Jewish new year is upon us once again. It's amazing how time seems like it was just Rosh Hashanah yesterday and now another new year is here.

I wish for all of you (Jewish or not) a sweet, healthy, happy and prosperous new year. May you always be surrounded by family and good friends and that all that you are wishing for come true for you.

Shana Tovah!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Monkeygirl turns 11!

It's so hard to believe that my little baby girl is 11 now. Dahlia our sweet girl is now officially a tween! She was so excited. She already had her clothes picked out (since Tuesday) as well as her "birthday girl" pin. They were ready for the big day.

Some might say I make too much of a big deal about birthdays. But, I feel that at least one day a year you should feel special. It's your day and everyone should make a big deal about you.

She awoke to a house filled with balloons and computer generated posters (yes, tinkerbell was on them...hey even tweens still like tinkerbell!). Ribbons were tied to her door and the banister. I even had balloons and posters in her bathroom.

She is my sweet monkeygirl. I adore her. I felt so bad for her. She has been running a fever for the last couple of days. Nothing in the am and then high in the afternoon and evening. Thank god for Advil junior!

We spoiled her rotten today and I hope she felt special. She is a special young lady, who is funny, smart and so caring. I can't wait to watch her mature and grow through the years.

I love you Dahlia!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Back to School

It's hard to believe, but today is the first day of school. It's a year of firsts for us. Zach...the big guy is off to high school. I can hardly believe it. He finally told me last night "Yes ma, you're old enough to have a kid in high school!" So maybe I was in denial! :-) I just don't feel that old.

It's a first for Dahlia and Noah as well. Our brand new school is finished and the sounds of little (and big) feet echoed through the halls. It was wonderful to see the excitement in the children, parents and staff as they finally got an inside view of our new digs.

It's also a first for me. It's the first day with my new class. This will be the first class that I will be teaching in grade 2, who I did not have when I taught kindergarten.

I look forward to an exciting and rewarding year. I wish all of you and your children a wonderful academic year. May it be filled with learning, good health and fun!